Friday 29 May 2009

Doorstep deliveries

Over the past two weeks my team and I have knocked on over 2500 doors across Corsham Town Division and I have been very encouraged by people’s reaction to me as their independent candidate for Wiltshire Council. These are the things people are saying on the doorstep:

  • I am the only one of the five candidates for the Corsham town Division who both lives and works in the town. This is important and it means I have first hand knowledge of our town 24 hours a day

  • There is a real concern about Political Parties as a result of the expenses scandal. It is outrageous to assume that just because they may not have broken the ‘rules’ they are therefore excused from having any moral common sense when it comes to accessing public money.

  • People realise that councillors cannot work in isolation. As I have proved in my work on Corsham Town Council things can only be achieved through consensus and by collaborating with my colleagues. Only an Independent can do this without being told what to say and do by the party whip.

  • People recognise that there is a real opportunity with the new Wiltshire Council to ensure the voice of our local community is heard clearly and confidently. As an Independent I can do this more easily as I am not bound by party political views.

It is really important that we get everyone we know out to vote on Thursday 4th June. Please help by spreading the word about me and my campaign - and only with your help will I really will be able to make a difference to our community.

Monday 25 May 2009

On Yer Bike!

What a fantastic Bank Holiday weekend for getting out and about across Corsham. And what better way to do it than by bicycle. I know we don't have much of a cycle network - yet - but the weather was great and it was good to meet so many people across the Town and out to Easton, Westrop and Thingley.

Most people in the Corsham Town Division have now had my Wiltshire Council Election Special which sets out the key local issues for our community and which the new council can actually act on. Fortunately I have not been told to get 'On Yer Bike' yet as these issues do seem to resonate with many local people!

Click on the image on the left for a closer look at what these issues are. I have grouped them broadly according to the themes of the new Council. Share your thoughts and views by clicking on 'Comments' below.