Thursday 24 September 2009

Corsham Markets take to the streets

Local people seem to be really enjoying the new markets in Corsham High Street. It has been nearly a year in the planning and now we have not just one but a whole series of markets springing up in the town.

The regular Tuesday 'General Market' is already very popular with a range of stalls selling everything from fresh vegetables to Venetian masks! Meanwhile the monthly 3rd Saturday 'Farmer's Market' offers really high quality local foods and other delights and looks really attractive with their green a white striped roofs. I also look forward to our first 'one off' specialist markets starting on 30 October with an Italian Market.

And that is what we all wanted with the aim of creating a Visible, Vibrant and Visible market in the centre of Corsham to reinvigorate the local retail centre, encourage more people to shop locally and to draw more people form outside into the centre of our town.

I think the evidence is there that this is working already as these markets days are the busiest in our town and I have seem queues at many of our local retailer's shops which can only be good for the local economy and make the town a more attractive place to live, work and visit.

It's really great to see the pedestrianised High Street come alive in this way but let us also not forget our excellent Friday Country Market in St Aldhelm's Church Hall - and sometimes in Martingate, and of course the ever popular 'Fishman' every Tuesday morning in the Methuen Arms Car Park now joined by an excellent local fresh vegetable stall. Perhaps these should not move into the High Street as well where all the people are?