Saturday 11 July 2009

National Greenwash Day

EDF seems to be digging itself into a nice hole over yesterday's PR stunt over the so called 'Green Britain Day'. Not only have they pinched Ecotricity's marketing images from earlier in the year they have also exposed themselves as promoting the biggest Greenwash farce I have yet come across.

EDF is one of least green energy supplier on the planet. EDF is the biggest global corporate producer of nuclear waste and one of the worst carbon polluters in the world. Furthermore they are also demanding a reduction in UK wind power targets.

I am also concerned that other power companied seem to now be trying to jump onto the bandwagon: British Gas is promoting a 'Green Britain Day. For us, it's everyday', Npower has launched its Climate Cops educational programme ‘Every day's a green day for Climate Cops'.

Electricite de France (EDF) is not Green and not British, it is Nuclear, French and Brown. This is the biggest Greenwash scandal I have yet come across

There is now a lively facebook campaign to stop the 'greatest British greenwash of all time.' You can also read more on the Ruscombe Green blog: