Sunday 30 August 2009

Is the Area Board listening?

The Extraordinary meeting of the Corsham Area Board on Wednesday was certainly extraordinary:

A school hall full of people unconvinced about the proposed traffic lights etc planned as part of the Section 106 agreement with the MOD developments at Basil Hill.

And an area board telling us that the legal team says it is not their business to change anything!

Who is running Wiltshire - the Elected Members or the Highways Department? Yet again it seems the 'silos' of local government are not communicating with each other - Highways - Planning - Conservation.

The problems seem to be:
  • A massively overblown scheme to cope with a fictitious traffic projection for 2020
  • Conflicting projected figures for traffic growth
  • A concern that due process has not been followed
  • Lack of consideration as to the conservation area setting at Pickwick
  • Works which are unconnected with the impact of Basil Hill
  • Lack of public consultation over this aspect of the project
  • A huge amount of (public) money (about £2.5 million?) to be spend on these works
  • Still no public transport plan in place
  • A plan which is contrary to current thinking about traffic management
  • A general disbelief that traffic lights are better than roundabouts

I was amazed when the chair of the meeting announced that this issue would no longer be on the agenda at the next Area Board meeting in October. I think he may be wrong!

I would not be surprised if this issue went to a judicial revue.