Thursday 2 April 2009

The New Council for Wiltshire

The big change replacing districts & county councils with a Unitary Authority for Wiltshire has started so it’s vital Corsham’s voice is heard loud and clear. The new structure based on local community areas gives us a great chance to have a big say in our own affairs locally - but only with the best people representing us!

Local people have encouraged me to stand as an Independent Candidate for the elections to the new Council on 4th June. It will be a disaster if the ‘WC’ is taken over by party politics. As an independent voice I am not bound to always say what the Cons, LibDems or any other party says I should say - so I can truly represent ALL people’s views in Corsham INDEPENDENTLY.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck in the election, Nick. You will make an excellent advocate for Corsham on the unitary council.

Ruth Hopkinson, Corsham Town Councillor