Monday 18 May 2009

Election Campaign Underway!

My election campaign started at the weekend with much enthusiam. I have a great team of people helping and supporting me and we are thoroughly enjoying meeting Corsham people on their doorsteps.

With all the appalling news and revelations of Westminster MPs from all parties claiming outrageous expenses I am quite relieved to be an Independent at the present time. If fact so were most of the people we talked to on our way around - I was told by one resident 'It's Yours Time!' I would have had a very different reception if I had been a member of a polictial party.

I am really pleased with my election leaflet which I think sets out the value of voting Independent with a realistic look at what the new Unitary Council will actually be responsible for. There is clearly much disatisfaction with the main political parties and I fear many people will just not use their democratic right to vote - which can be a very dangerous thing - so I hope they will be encouraged to vote for an Independent voice who can represent the views of Corsham people with fairness and honesty.

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