Monday 2 November 2009

Another blow for local Public Transport

First Bus Services really are' transforming travel' as they cut yet another service on 29 November. The popular 233 'Express' service from Bath to Chippenham via Corsham will cease apparently following a 'careful analysis of actual travel plans'.

The great thing about the 233 service is that it really did provide a viable option to using the car in that it went straight down the A4 without going all around the houses which the 231 and 232 do. The 233 service was only launched earlier this year and I have to say with minimal publicity and quite high fares. I do wonder what sort of business strategy that was all about!

I understand that this new service was drawing existing passengers away from the 231 and 232 (understandably). Unfortunately First saw this as a threat to their viability so have decided to cut the sensible service and just leave us with the 231 and 232.

I would have though that with so many good local services in our towns (like Corsham’s No 10 service) there was a clear case for ensuring we have direct links between towns. But with our deregulated bus system bus companies are their own masters so there is little influence we can have on what services are run when and where.

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