Sunday 19 June will see the pilot launch of extracts from our new musical Revolution! as part of Corsham Fringe Festival 2011 and created by myself in collaboration with librettist Michael Wilkinson.
Revolution! The Musical is an epic journey of love, hope and freedom as a people's struggle prevails against the backdrop of a bloody revolution.
Please consider supporting our emerging show in one of the following ways:
· Have a look at our website www.revolutionthemusical.co.uk and sign up to register for updates
· If you are a singer – audition on 8 May and take part – more information on the website and on the attached flyer
· Attend the launch event of Revolution! The Musical! on 19 June and tell us what you think
· Forward this email to any of your friends who may be interested in any of the above
The performance on 19 June will be the second part of an evening of emerging new musical theatre which will also include extracts from the rock opera
The project is being developed with kind support from Bath Spa University and The Pound Arts Trust
Many thanks for all your help in spreading the word about Revolution! The Musical
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