Saturday 23 May 2009

The Party's Over?

This headline comes from last week’s Independent on Sunday which hints at the extraordinary strength of public revolt against the mainstream political party’s over the past few weeks.

Polls suggest that between 40% and 63% of people will not be voting for Con, Lab or Lib Dem which has sent shock waves into the heart of every mainstream politician in the country.

This is clearly a great time for Independents, (whether celebrity or not!) as more and more people are looking for the alternative vote. It is likely that UKIP will benefit – although I question their value in local government. The greens are doing well too and look set to increase their share of the vote.

Fortunately we do not seem to be seeing a wave of BNP support. However, my greatest fear is that many people will simply not bother to vote – voter apathy is the most dangerous thing of all and that is what can let in extremist views as we have seen before in history.

That is why I am getting out there in Corsham Town – knocking on every door in the division to let people know who I am, why an independent vote is so important and how I can represent the people of Corsham effectively. The response so far has been excellent with a real look of relief on resident’s faces when I say I am independent of all party politics – and when they realise I am the local candidate – the only one who lives and works in Corsham Town.


Jim Avery said...

Unfortunately I live in another part of Corsham otherwise I'd vote for you!

It's a great shame we can't have a general election soon too.

Anonymous said...

I am interested but would like to know a little more about you. Your literature raises the right issues but is not specific. Independant is good in locals but we have even less idea what to expect so you need to tell us more. Do you have kids? where do they school? Are you married? other? Pets? what are your hobbies? Ambitions? Where do you like to take your holidays? What do you do to keep fit? Membership of clubs? what paper do you read?
perhaps you think it is too personal, but if you want to be in public life I want to know what kind of man you are, especially in the light of recent events. Well done for standing and good luck. Dick

Nicholas Keyworth said...

Dick's comment is perfectly valid and has promted me to update my biography on the right hand column which I hope answers most of his questions.